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Taylor and Francis Journal Reference Style Performance Arts and Digital Media

AFRICAN JOURNALISM STUDIES Online but 0.viii Taylor and Francis The Journalism Enquiry and Pedagogy Section of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), the Journalism Studies Division of the International Advice Association (ICA), The African Council for Communication Education (ACCE), The Due south African Communication Clan (Sacomm) 1980 4 issues per year No (Pay for open access) thirty Qualitative but open to other orientation Chicago Style 6000 and 800 ARGUMENTATION Both print and online 1.089 Springer Netherlands None 1987 v per year No (Pay for open admission) 14 Quantitative but open up to other orientations APA betwixt 8000 to 10000 words ASIAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION Both print and online 1.839 Taylor & Francis Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC) 1990 half-dozen bug a year No (Pay for open access) 27 Quantitative but open up to other orientations APA Between 6000 to 9000 words CHINESE Periodical OF Communication Both print and online 2.714 Taylor and Francis NONE 2010 four issues per year No 12 quantitative but open to other orienatation APA 8000 words COMMUNICATION & SPORT Both impress and online 3.178 SAGE IACS 2012 6 bi-monthly isues No (Pay for Open Access) 38 quantitative APA 5000-7000 words COMMUNICATION AND Disquisitional-CULTURAL STUDIES Both impress and online 2.653 Taylor & Francis NCA 2004 4 times a yr No 48 Qualitative Chicago 9000 words COMMUNICATION Civilization & CRITIQUE Both impress and online 1.863 Wiley ICA 2008 4 times a year No (Pay for open access) 49 Qualitative APA No more than 7000 words Advice METHODS AND MEASURES both print and online 7.882 Taylor & Francis AEJMC CTM Sectionalization Journal 2007 4 times a year No 10 Quantitative but open to other orientations APA no limitations COMMUNICATION MONOGRAPHS Both print and online 8.667 Taylor and Francis NCA 1934 4 issues per twelvemonth No (Pay for open access) 15 Quantitative but open to other orientations APA 40 pages COMMUNICATION RESEARCH Both print and online 4.856 SAGE Publications None 1974 6 times a twelvemonth No (Pay for open up access) 56 Quantitative APA 40-page limit COMMUNICATION THEORY Both print and online 2.978 International Communication Association None 1991 quartly No (Pay for Open up Access) 25 open APA 9000 words COMMUNICATIONS-EUROPEAN Periodical OF COMMUNICATION Inquiry Both print and online two.095 Walter de Gruyter GmbH None 1976 4 per yr No (Pay for open admission) 17 Mostly quantitative APA 8000 words COMUNICAR Both impress and online 6.013 Grupo Communicar Ediciones None 1993 iv times a year No (with open access) 40 Open APA 7th edition 5,000- half-dozen,700 words CONTINUUM-JOURNAL OF MEDIA & CULTURAL STUDIES Online only 0.965 Taylor & Francis Cultural Studies Clan of Australasia (CSAA) 1987 half-dozen times a year No 64 Quantitative Chicago No more than 6000 words CONVERGENCE- THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF Enquiry INO NEW MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES Both print and online ii.311 SAGE None 1995 6x a year No (Pay for Open Admission) 60 open APA 8000 words CRITICAL Discourse STUDIES Both print and online two.582 Talyor & Francis International Pragmatics Association 2004 half dozen issues per year No 66 Qualitative Format-free (they will practice it for you, just go on things consitent); APA recommended No more than 8000 words CRITICAL STUDIES IN MEDIA COMMUNICATION Both impress and online 2 Taylor & Francis NCA 1984 5 issues per year No (Pay for open admission) 59 Cross-diciplinary journal for critical media and mass communication Format-gratuitous (they will practice it for you, only continue things consitent); APA recommended No more than than 7000 words CYBERPSYCHOLOGY-JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOCIAL RESEARCH ON Cyberspace online only 2.905 Masaryk Academy, Faculty of Social Studies None 2007 Iv issues per year no 35 quantitative but opent to other orientations APA 7th 11000 words DIGITAL JOURNALISM Both print and online 7.986 Taylor & Francis Online None 2013 10x a year No (Pay for Open Access) 20 open APA 8000 words DISCOURSE & Advice Both print and online 1.759 SAGE Publications Ltd. None 2007 iv times a twelvemonth (quarterly) Yes (pay for open access) 39 Qualitative but open up to other orientations SAGE Harvard Recommended length: 7000 words Discourse & Order Both print and online 1.85 SAGE Publications Ltd. None 1990 6 times a twelvemonth (bimonthly) Yes (pay for open access) 34 Open, but heavy focus on qualitative orientations SAGE Harvard Recommended length: 7000 words Soapbox CONTEXT AND MEDIA Both print and online 2.033 Elsevier None 2013 quartly No (Pay for Open up Admission) 59 open APA 6000-8000 words Soapbox STUDIES Both print and online i.917 SAGE Publications Ltd. None 1999 6 times a year (bimonthly) Yep (pay for open up access) 33 Open up, only heavy focus on qualitative orientations SAGE Harvard Recommended length: 7000 words Environmental COMMUNICATION-A JOURNAL OF NATURE AND Culture Both impress and online ii.848 Taylor & Francis The International Ecology Communication Association 2007 8 issues per year No 72 Generally quantitative but open to qualitative and mixed approaches APA 6000-8000 words EUROPEAN Journal OF Communication Impress and Online 3.11 SAGE Publishing None 1986 6 times a twelvemonth No 32 Open to all orientation MLA) Style given but not conventional not more than 7000 words FEMINIST MEDIA STUDIES Both print and online 2.922 Taylor & Francis Online, Routledge *Feminist Scholarship Division of the International Communication Clan (ICA) *Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Clan (MECCSA) 2001 8 problems a yr No (Pay for open up access) 67 Qualitative but open to other orientations APA Not more than 8000 words GAMES AND CULTURE Both print and online ane.9 SAGE Publications Inc. None 2006 6-8 issues a yr No (simply to subscribers); SAGE Pick Fee 77 Disquisitional studies, Media Studies APA (Fifth Edition) No more than 8000 words HEALTH COMMUNICATION Print and Online iii.198 Taylor and Francis Online None 1989 14 issues per year No (Pay for open access) 26 Qualitative but open up to other orientation APA 5000 words in text Man COMMUNICATION Research print and online 3 Oxford university press ICA 1974 four issues per year no 20 quantitative APA 7 30 double spaced pages IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON Professional COMMUNICATION Online and Print 0.771 Establish of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. None (Professional person body) 1957 4 (Quarterly) Yes eighteen Quantitative just open to other orientations TPC Commendation Way 10000 Information COMMUNICATION & Society Both impress and online 5.422 Taylor & Francis A0IR, CITAMS, ICA 1998 xvi bug per year No (charge for color figures) 125 Mixed (40% quantitative, 40% qualitative, 20% conceptual/exploratory paper with no method) APA 7th no more than than 8000 words Data Society Both print and online 4.571 Taylor & Francis None 1981 5 times a yr No (but pay for open access) 21 Qualitative only open up to other orientations Taylor & Francis US Chicago (B) author-date style no word limits INTERACTION STUDIES Print and Online 0.824 John Benjamins None 2004 three times a twelvemonth No (Pay for open access) 12 Quantitative APA should not exceed 8000 words INTERNATIONAL Advice GAZETTE Both print and online 1.859 SAGE None
1955 8 times a yr No (but no open up admission) 38 Open to all orientations SAGE Harvard reference style 8,000 - 9,000 words INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING Online only 4.62 Taylor and Francis U.k. Advertising Association'southward journal 1982 viii times a year No (Pay for open up admission) 45 Quantitative Chicago No more than than 9000 words INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF Concern COMMUNICATION Both print and online one.708 SAGE ABC 1963 iv times a year No (Pay for open access) 31 Open up APA 15-35 double spaced pages INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF Communication Online only 1.802 USC Annenberg Press USC School for Communication and Journalism 2007 Continuously No 218 Quantitative only open to other orientations APA 6th Ed 8,900 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONFLICT MANAGEMENT Print and Online two.547 Emerald Publishing None 1990 5 times a year Yes 46 Quantitative only open to other orientations Harvard Styles non more 12000 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS Print and online i.551 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. Non affiliated 2003 6 per year No (Pay for open access) 29 Quantitative APA 5000 to 7000 words INTERNATIONAL Journal OF Printing-POLITICS Both impress and online half dozen.592 SAGE journals None
1996 4 issues per twelvemonth No (pay for open access) 37 Quantitative but open to other orientation any style but encouraged to follow SAGE house style 6000-8000 INTERNATIONAL Periodical OF PUBLIC Stance Inquiry Both print and online 2.11 Oxford Academy Press WAPOR 1989 iv issues per twelvemonth no 36 Quantitative only open to other orientation APA 7th no more than 9000 words JAVNOST-THE PUBLIC Both impress and online 1.72 Taylor & Francis Online European Institute for Communication and Culture 2009 4 issues per year No 28 Mostly rhetoric based analysis but quantitative, qualitative, mixed and multi methods are also there APA no more than 8000 words JOURNAL OF Advert Online only v.522 Taylor & Francis AAA (American Academy of Advertising) 1972 5 times a yr No (pay for open access) 39 Open, but heavy focus on quantitative orientations APA not more 12,000 words for research article, 6000 for inquiry notation, 12,000 words for literature review JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING RESEARCH Online only iii.154 Cambridge University Printing Advertising Inquiry Foundation 1965 iv times a yr No (Pay for open access) 34 Quantitative APA No more than 7000 words JOURNAL OF AFRICAN MEDIA STUDIES Impress and online 0.361 Intellect Not affiliated 2009 iii per year No (Pay for open up access) 26 Open to all orientation APA 6000 words Journal OF Practical COMMUNICATION RESEARCH Both print and online two.855 Taylor & Francis National Communication Association (NCA) 1973 6 issues per year No (pay for open access) 36 Though majority of the manufactures were qualitative but a lot of quantitaive oriented articles were also there. I would say open to both APA no more than 9,000 words Periodical OF BROADCASTING & ELECTRONIC MEDIA Both print and online 2.441 Taylor & Francis BEA 1985 Quarterly No (no open up access) 30 Quantitative APA no more than 7500 words, including references, tables, appendices, etc. Periodical OF Business AND TECHNICAL Advice Both impress and online 1.774 Iowa state university None 1987 Quarterly (jan, apr, jul, oct) no 32 quantitative only open to other orienatation APA seventh 6000 to 12000 Periodical OF CHILDREN AND MEDIA Online only 2.018 Taylor & Francis ICA 2007 four issues a year No (Pay for open access) 28 Quantitative APA No more than 8000 words JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION Both print and online (Book reviews online only) 7.27 Oxford University Pres International Advice Clan 1951 half dozen bug per year No (Pay for open up access fiigures reproduced in colour after commodity is accustomed for publication) 42 Most of the articles used multi-method , experiment and content assay. However, some were qualitative too. I would say though largely quantitative only open up for qualitative and mixed method. APA The chief document should be a maximum of 35 pages in length (including the abstract, main text, references, tables, figures, and endnotes). Periodical OF COMPUTER-MEDIATED Advice Both impress and online 5.41 Oxford University Pres International Communication Association 1995 six issues per year No 25 Open up APA All manuscripts, including revision and resubmission, should exist BOTH under 10,000 words AND within thirty pages in length (including the abstruse and all references, tables, figures, appendices, and endnotes). Both requirements should exist met. JOURNAL OF Health Communication Both impress and online 2.781 Taylor & Francis None 1996 12 times per twelvemonth No (Pay for open access) 92 Quantitative and Qualititive Not available Periodical OF It & POLITICS Both impress and online 2.224 Taylor & Francis None
2004 4 times a year No 31 Qualitative merely open to all orientations APA seventh edition 9000 words JOURNAL OF Language AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Print and Online 2.253 SAGE None 1982 4 times per yr No (Pay for open up access) 25 Quantitative APA 7th. Ed No more 25 double-spaced pages JOURNAL OF MEDIA ETHICS Print and Online 1.114 Taylor and Francis AEJMC Media Ethics Division Journal 2015 4 times a year No (Pay for open access) xv Open APA No more 9000 words Journal OF MEDIA PSYCHOLOGY-THEORIES METHODS AND APPLICATIONS Impress and online 1.634 Hogrefe None 2008 quarterly No (Pay for open admission) ten Quantitative APA 8000 words Periodical OF PUBLIC RELATIONS Inquiry Print and Online 6.409 Taylor and Francis AEJMC Public Relations Division Periodical 1992 half dozen times a year No (Pay for open access) 9 Quantitative APA Not bachelor JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS Both impress and online 3.039 SAGE Publications Committee on Publications Ideals (COPE) 1984 11-12 times a twelvemonth No 146 Mostly quantitative APA maximum of 9,000 words for Full Papers/ 3,000 words for curt reports JOURNALISM Both impress and online 4.436 SAGE None 2000 12 times per yr No (Pay for open access) 112 Qualitative SAGE Harvard 8,000 words JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATION QUARTERLY Print and Online 4.128 SAGE AEJMC 1924 4 times per year No 52 Quantitative APA 7th. Ed Typically v,000-6,500, but up to ten,000 with justification in encompass letter JOURNALISM PRACTICE Online only 2.537 Taylor and Francis Online ICA,JSIG, ECREA, AJE, & EJTA 2007 10 issues per twelvemonth No (Pay for open access) 72 Qualitative Can be in any format 6000 and 9000 JOURNALISM STUDIES Both print and online 3.741 Taylor & Francis None
2000 sixteen times a year No 91 Open N/A 6000 - 9000 LANGUAGE & Communication Both impress and online i.765 Elsevier None 1981 6 issues a year No (Pay for open access) 64 Qualitative but open to other orientations Firm style with specific requirement on citations 6000-8000 (no upper limit) Management Communication QUARTERLY Both print and online two.34 SAGE None
1987 4 times a year No (Pay for open access) 23 Open up APA nether 40 pages and under 10000 words MASS COMMUNICATION AND Order Print and Online three.309 Taylor & Francis, Routledge AEJMC 1998 vi times a year No 36 Quantitative APA 7th. Ed No more 9000 words MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION both print and online 2.465 This journal uses Open Journal Systems two.4.8.0, which is open source journal management and publishing software developed, supported, and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Projection under the GNU General Public License None 2013 ten times per year Aye (with open access) 87 Quantitative and Qualititive APA maximum length of 6,000 words (the give-and-take count limit includes championship, abstract, tables, figures, and references list). During a potential revisions stage, after peer-review, authors can extend the article length to a maximum of 8,000 words to better address the reviewers and editors' comments. MEDIA Civilisation & Lodge Both print and online 3.272 SAGE Publications Inc. None 1979 half-dozen-8 issues a year No 122 Cross-diciplinary periodical for media culture SAGE Harvard reference fashion (*1qfy3zy*_ga*NzkyMzU1NzQuMTYzMDU0MDI4OA..*_ga_60R758KFDG*MTYzNTk1NTA3My42LjEuMTYzNTk1NzI0Ni4w) 6000-8000 words MEDIA INTERNATIONAL AUSTRALIA Both print and online i.193 SAGE ANZCA 1976 4 times a year No sixteen Open Harvard 5000 - 8000 (including notes/references) MEDIA PSYCHOLOGY Both print and online three.824 Taylor & Francis None 1999 6 times a yr No 31 Quantitative APA-7 no more than 9000 MOBILE MEDIA & Communication Both print and online three SAGE None
2013 three times a twelvemonth No (Pay for open access) 28 Quantitative and Qualitative/open APA 8000 Words NARRATIVE INQUIRY  at 0.583 John Benjamins Publishing Company None 1998 ii issues a year No (Pay for open access) 20 Qualitative simply open to other orientations APA 8000 NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY Both print and online 8.061 SAGE None 1999 12 times a twelvemonth No 118 Open Harvard 8000 PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS Both print and online one.9 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. International Clan for Relationship Research 1994 four times a year No 44 Quantitative or qualitative APA nine,000 words Original Commodity, Comprehensive Review 12,000 words, Brief Report 3,000 words, and Theoretical Commodity 9,000 words POLICY AND INTERNET Print and Online 3.8 Wiley Policy Studies System 2009 iv times a year No (Pay for open access) 25 Open Harvard Between 6000-8000 words POLITICAL COMMUNICATION Both print and online 7.859 Taylor & Francis APSA, ICA 1980 6 problems per year No (pay for open access) 33 Quantitavive APA seventh no more than than 30 pages PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION Online 2.253 Exclusive online distribution None 1992 six times a yr No (Pay for open access  890 euros) 79 Quantitative Fashion manual of "Information Professional" version 21. Any length every bit long as its justified PUBLIC Opinion QUARTERLY Both print and online 4.154 Oxford Bookish AAPOR 1937 4 problems per yr No (Pay for open access) 33 Quantitative but open to other orientation Chicago no more than 6500 words PUBLIC RELATIONS REVIEW Both impress and online iii.488 Elsevier BV None 1975 4 times a year (quarterly) No (pay for open access) 118 Open up APA none PUBLIC Agreement OF Science Impress and Online 2.976 SAGE Publications Ltd Not affiliated to any clan 1992 8 problems per year No (Pay for open access) 67 Quantitative orientation, merely open to qualitative Harvard reference style 8000 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF Oral communication Impress and Online 1.975 Taylor & Francis NCA (National Communication Association) 1915 iv times a year No (but charge for colour figures in print) sixteen Qualitative simply open to other orientations The Chicago Notes Arrangement not more 12,000 words RESEARCH ON Language AND SOCIAL INTERACTION Both print and online 3.077 Taylor & Francis None 1969 4 times a twelvemonth No (pay for open access) 22 Qualitative only open to other orientations APA no more than 10000 words RHETORIC Club QUARTERLY both print and online 1.313 Taylor & Francis Rhetoric Society of America 1968 v times per year No (with open access) 25 Qualitative MLA SCIENCE COMMUNICATION Both print and online iv.18 SAGE None 1979 six times a twelvemonth No (but no open access) 23 Quantitative but open up to other orientations APA 7th edition 7000-9000 words SIGNS AND SOCIETY Both print and online ane.452 The University of Chicago press journals. Semiosis Inquiry Centre at Hankuk University of Strange Studies 2013 3 issues/twelvemonth No (Pay for open access) 17 More of Quanlitative than Quantitative Chicago Manual of Mode The normal length of published manuscripts is a maximum of viii,000 words. A manuscript should begin with an abstruse of 100–150 words. It should be submitted equally a MS Word file. The entire manuscript (the body of the text, footnotes, and references) should be double-spaced and in a standard 12-point font. SOCIAL MEDIA + SOCIETY Online only 4.249 SAGE None
2015 4 times a year Yes (with open access) 130 Open APA 8000 words preferred SOCIAL SEMIOTICS Both print and online 1.32 Taylor & Francis None
1991 5 bug per yr No (pay for open access) 82 No journals for the time given. Chicago An EndNote output style is likewise available to help you.https://world wide Delight include a discussion count for your paper. A typical paper for this journal should be no more 8000 words, inclusive of tables, references, figure captions, footnotes, endnotes. TECHNICAL Communication Both print and online 0.81 Society for Technical Communication Society for Technical Advice 1973 four times a year No (just accuse to readers/members of the STC) twenty Quantitative with minimal qualitative APA 5000-8000 Telecommunications POLICY Both print and Online three.036 Elsevier None
2002 6 bug per year No (Pay for open access) 25 More of Quantitative than Qualitative APA Could not find whatsoever. Goggle box & NEW MEDIA Both print and online iii.109 SAGE Publications None
2000 8 times a twelvemonth No (Pay for open access) 51 Qualitative Chicago Transmission of Mode maximum of 7500 words TEXT & TALK Both impress and online 0.507 De Gruyter Mouton ICA 1981 6 issues per year Depends (but limited open admission) 36 Open APA between 6000 to 8000 words TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR COMMUNICATIEWETENSCHAP Both print and online 0.125 Amsterdam Academy Press ane. Amsterdam Centre for the Study of the Golden Age ii. Amsterdam School for Heritage, Retention and Material Culture iii. Arc Humanities Printing iv. Association of European University Presses 5. Association of University Presses 6. Clue+ (The Interfaculty Research Institute for Culture, Cognition, History and Heritage) 7. Eye Filmmuseum 8.Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies ix. International Institute for Asian Studies ten. KNAW 11. LeidenAsiaCentre 12. TECHNÈS (The International Research Partnership on Movie theatre Technology) 13. Turku Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (TUCEMEMS) fourteen. Van Gogh Museum 2004 iv numbers per year No (with open admission) 30 Quantitative than Qualitatve. Could not detect this TRANSLATOR both impress and online 0.578 Taylor & Francis None 1995 4 times a year No (with open access) 33 Qualitative simply open to other orientations Not available VISUAL Communication Both print and online 1.043 SAGE Publications None 2002 4 issues a year No (Pay for open up access) 19 Qualitative just open up to other orientations Harvard Reference Style 5000-7000 words WRITTEN COMMUNICATION Both print and online ii.441 SAGE Publications None
1984 4 problems per year No (pay for open access) 21 More qualitative than quantitative APA include an abstract of 100-150 words and 5-vii keywords (which do not appear in the title) to facilitate electronic search. • follow the guidelines of the Publication Transmission of the American Psychological Association (7th edition) and should not exceed 10,000 words (including all appendices, tables, and references). Manuscripts that do not apply APA fashion and conventions or manuscripts that far exceed the x,000-word maximum may be turned back without review.
