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How to Get Rid of Moss on Patio

Moss on pavers can add a certain charm to the area. However, most people do not like it, and it is a slipping hazard. Moss can be dangerous, most especially in areas with foot traffic.

Several ways to remove moss from your pavers include commercial moss killers, or other household products like vinegar, baking soda, soda crystals, bleach, muriatic acid, or boiling water. There are different ways to prevent moss growth without using chemicals by exposing the area to more sunshine and addressing moisture issues.

Removing moss from pavers
Removing moss from pavers

Different Ways to Remove Moss from Pavers

You can try more natural methods first before moving on to harsher chemicals when removing moss from pavers.

Before applying any chemical, test it first on a small and hidden area to see if it will not stain or damage your pavers.

Clear the area of furniture and other objects. Clear any loose debris from the pavers by sweeping over the area.

When using more potent chemicals, make sure to wear personal protective equipment – safety glasses, gloves, filter mask, and wear proper clothing that protects exposed skin. Wear closed shoes or boots as well to protect your feet.

Method 1 – Commercial Moss Removers

You can get moss removers from your local hardware or garden supply store.

If you are not sure which moss remover to get, consult with the people at the store and they will surely help.


Read the manufacturer's instructions on the handling and application of these types of chemicals

Find a small and hidden spot to test the moss remover to make sure that it will not damage or stain your pavers.

Apply the solution on the moss and give it time to work as indicated on the manufacturer's instructions.

Sweep off the dead moss or use a pressure washer to wash it away.

Rinse the area thoroughly.

Method 2 – Vinegar

Vinegar is a relatively cheap and easy method to remove moss from pavers.

The acetic acid in the vinegar can kill the moss on your pavers.

You can use white vinegar, which is about 5% solution.

More potent option: You can also get a cleaning vinegar, which is a 6% solution.


Pour vinegar directly on the pavers.

Some would suggest diluting the vinegar, especially if you are using the cleaning vinegar. Others prefer to use it pure.

Test a small area on the pavers to see which one will work better.

After pouring the vinegar, let it sit for about an hour.

Scrub the moss off the pavers. You can use a shovel to remove thicker moss growth.

You can use a bucket with water, a regular garden hose, or a pressure washer to rinse off the remaining moss.

Method 3 – Baking soda

Like vinegar, this household item is often used to clean different surfaces and stains.

Baking soda has abrasive properties that can help remove moss off the pavers. It can also neutralise the environment to prevent the growth of moss.


Sprinkle baking soda all over the damp moss and let it sit for 24 to 48 hours.

Wait for the moss to dry and sweep it away.

Sweep or scrub with a stiff brush.

Rinse off the pavers using a bucket with water, a regular garden hose, or a pressure washer.

Method 4 – Soda Crystals

Soda crystals (sodium carbonate) are not to be confused with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate).

While they both have the word "soda" and "carbonate" in them, soda crystals are caustic and not edible. Soda crystals cannot be eaten or consumed, so be very careful.


Same as the application of baking soda on moss, the soda crystals are sprinkled all over the damp moss on the pavers.

Allow the soda crystals to sit for a day or two until the moss dies and dries out.

Sweep the dead moss using a medium-hard to hard brush. You can use a shovel to remove thicker moss growth.

Use a garden hose, high-pressure hose or pressure washer to remove the rest of the dead moss.

Method 5 – Bleach

Household bleach, chlorine, or sodium hypochlorite is another option to remove moss from the pavers.


Mix bleach and water in equal proportion. For example, one litre of bleach for every litre of water.

Pour the bleach solution on the affected pavers and let it sit for at least 15 minutes.

Scrub the area using a stiff brush and rinse it out.

Use a high-pressure hose or pressure washer and rinse until the bleach is entirely off the pavers.

Method 6 – Muriatic acid

Muriatic acid or hydrochloric acid is a powerful cleaner.

You should exercise caution when using muriatic acid. Wear proper personal protective equipment or PPE to protect yourself from potential splatters.

Muriatic acid can burn through skin and eyes and can irritate the respiratory areas when inhaled.


Wear protective glasses, filter mask, long sleeves, pants, and closed shoes. Do not forget to wear protective gloves, too.

Mix one part acid to 10 parts water. You can use a sprayer or a simple bucket to mix the solution.

Apply the solution on the pavers.

Scrub it in using a stiff brush and leave for at least 15 minutes.

Sweep or scrub off the moss and rinse thoroughly.

Important note:

Make sure to put the muriatic acid into the water, never the other way. Incorrect mixing will cause a chemical reaction that could cause the solution to heat up and "boil" out of the container.

Never mix muriatic acid with other chemicals

Do not use any other cleaner if you will use muriatic acid. There could be a dangerous chemical reaction if hydrochloric acid is mixed with other chemicals like bleach.

Method 7 – Boiling water

If the area of the paver affected by moss is not too big, manual pouring of boiling or hot water is an effective way of killing the moss.

If it is too large, however, you will need a whole lot and this method may not be practical to do manually.

The other option to remove moss on your pavers is to use a pressure washer with hot water.


Boil some water in a kettle or pot and pour it directly over the moss.

You can scrub off the moss from the paver as the water cools.

You can also use a pressure washer. A pressure washer with a flat surface cleaner works best combined with hot water.

Rinse off using a hose or pressure washer.

Method 8 – Sun exposure

Moss grows in moist and cool environment. If it is possible to change the condition so that the sun will be able to shine on that part of the pavement, then make the necessary changes.


If you notice that the moss on your pavers grow where the sun cannot reach it, remove obstacles whenever possible.

Move patio furniture to a different position to allow the sun to shine on that part of the pavers.

Trim trees and hedges if there is too much shade on the paved area.

Method 9 – Address moisture issues in the area

Moss loves damp and moist. Sometimes certain conditions make parts of the paved area more prone to moisture than others.


Assess the source of moisture.

If you can see that the sprinklers are the source of water, reset the sprinkler heads so that they do not spray water beyond your plants and lawn.

Look for leaks and dripping faucets and have them fixed.

Waterspouts may also be a source of more moisture, especially the part near and around the downspout. If this is the case, you can pre-treat the area with moss killers to avoid moss growth.

How to Keep Moss Off the Pavers

Keep the area clean and dry

To prevent moss from growing on the pavers, keep it clean and dry as much as possible.

Regular washing, depending on how much you use the paved area, will not only keep moss away but also keep it clean and safe.

Sealed pavers keep moss away

Sealing your pavers may not totally prevent the growth of moss, but it will significantly reduce the probability of growth.

Paver sealers act as a barrier where moisture will not easily get into the pavers, making it less conducive to the growth of moss.

If you need help removing moss from your pavers contact Harwood's Lawn Care. We can have that moss removed while also cleaning your pavers. More information about our Pressure Cleaning Service in Newcastle Here.

How to Get Rid of Moss on Patio
